On the Importance of Content …

Artificial Intelligence and Content Marketing

Tools Faith Video Film Brand Gen
- Marking the first birthday of VCCP's AI creative agency, faith, CDs Morten Legarth and Ben Hopkins made an animated short film using gen AI to show just how far the tech and their expertise have come along. It's been well over a year since GPT-4's release, but its impact on the creative industry has been difficult to quantify beyond the hype. Beyond the initial dopamine hit of using gen AI, people's patience for gimmicky displays is fading fast. So, how does this apply to the AI darling of the ... [Read More]

Source: thedrum.com

Search Openai Engine Chatgpt Google Users
- Google, it looks like you've got some competition. OpenAI transformed the  artificial intelligence (AI) market by  launching ChatGPT in November 2022, unleashing a  generative AI era. Now, OpenAI wants to shake up the search engine market, too.  On Thursday, OpenAI unveiled SearchGPT, its AI-powered search engine, which is aware of current events and provides real-time information from the internet. Even though the search experience is currently a prototype, OpenAI plans to ... [Read More]

Source: zdnet.com

Campaign Keanu Reeves Palo Alto Networks' Storytelling Audience Brand
- Capturing the attention of an increasingly distracted audience is a challenge that requires more than just traditional advertising. It demands storytelling—a creative, engaging, and innovative approach that resonates on a deeper level. Palo Alto Networks' latest global brand campaign, " This is Precision AI ," illustrates how effective storytelling can elevate brand awareness and redefine the narrative around complex topics like cybersecurity. The Campaign: Blending Hollywood Magic with ... [Read More]

Source: forbes.com

Podcast Content Creators Summary Tools Podcasts
- Creating new written content is not easy. It's both time-consuming and cost-prohibitive. If you are a full-time podcaster or influencer, you most likely don't have the time or energy to write many articles after publishing your regularly planned content. However, could you be potentially leaving out a huge alternative audience? The answer is unequivocally yes. According to the Pew Research Center , 64% of Americans prefer to read news online over watching or listening to news online. This is ... [Read More]

- In the ever-evolving customer support landscape, knowledge managers face the dual challenge of keeping help content relevant and integrating new technologies like AI and automation. Often, they must secure buy-in from stakeholders who may not fully grasp the crucial role effective knowledge management plays in enhancing customer experience (CX) and operational efficiency. With so many areas they could focus on, it's unsurprising that many support teams have trouble prioritizing knowledge ... [Read More]

Digital Marketing Marketing Social Media Search Ppc Business
- Dive into key tactics, the results you can expect and how to measure success across SEO, PPC, content marketing and more. Chat with SearchBot Today, every business invests in digital marketing. Whether small or large, businesses either have an in-house team or outsource their digital marketing efforts to a third-party agency.  Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses many services. Although the term "digital marketing" is self-explanatory, there's more to it than meets the eye. ... [Read More]

Sales Enablement Content Team Feedback Automation
- Revenue enablement has changed: Until now, the role has revolved primarily around pushing content and training onto your sales team, but the mainstream adoption of AI has turned that model upside down. Large language models (LLMs) have made it easy for Sales reps to get enablement content. That means sales assets, training, support, and messaging are being generated faster than ever before. More importantly, those materials are now delivered to Sales teams on-demand, immediately upon ... [Read More]

Website Content Site Design Process Business
- Having a strong online presence is crucial for any business aiming to thrive and stay competitive. Launching a website might seem like a daunting task, especially if technology isn't your forte. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Let's take you behind the scenes of getting a website launched, breaking down the process into manageable steps. For business owners looking to just get started or more seasoned business owners needing to refresh your digital footprint, understanding these key ... [Read More]

– Most marketers know they can syndicate their website content, such as blog posts, by making it available for publication on other websites. Various services are available to help you do this. Some are free (e.g., Medium ), and some are PPC (e.g., Outbrain ). When successful, these efforts build backlinks to the content on your site, enhancing SEO and site traffic. But what about the reverse, where you publish relevant syndicated content from third parties on your website? Sure, a constant stream of self-generated content is excellent, but very difficult and costly to achieve. This is where … [Read More]

– “Send me five links that are examples of content that you find valuable and we can expand it out to a daily update of similar content.” Shane Metler with Evolving Technology. Shane Metler wants to put an end to stale content on business websites. Metler, along with his colleague Leland Morris, are with Evolving Technology, a software firm that specializes in AI-powered content syndication for businesses. Evolve Technology’s software uses artificial intelligence to aggregate content from sources across the open web, which are then curated into industry-specific feeds to which businesses can … [Read More]